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Maier Tree & Lawn Blog

For clients and friends of Maier Tree & Lawn—Check back regularly for the latest tree and lawn care content.

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1501041 Oak Wilt
Tree Disease
Limit The Spread Of Oak Wilt Tree Care
Reducing contact, providing health checkups, and treating symptoms all contribute to treatment plans that can prevent and treat diseases such as oak wilt and bur oak blight from infecting more trees on your Rochester, MN, property or in your neighborhood.
The Benefits & Beauty Of Mulch
There are many different types of mulch on the market, and some may fit your needs better than others.
Why should you prune your trees
Tree Care
Common Tree Care Problems In Rochester, MN
Tree pruning is a great solution to a wide variety of tree care conundrums, ranging from disease management to aesthetic upkeep, but the type of pruning you request varies based upon your personal tree goals.
Aerating Lawn 2019
Lawn Maintenance
Fighting Back Against Post-Winter Soil Compaction With Aeration In Winona, MN
At Maier Tree and Lawn, we provide comprehensive aeration options to help your lawn breathe and grow as we ease comfortably into spring.
Snow Melting On Lawn
Lawn Care Tips
Prioritizing Post-Melt Lawn Care In Rochester, MN
If you’re aiming to prepare your property for a productive spring, you can take some steps to ensure that you get the most out of your early springtime lawn maintenance.
Soil Test Is Your Soil Compacted
Lawn Maintenance
Soil Testing
At Maier Tree and Lawn, we provide comprehensive soil testing, lawn analysis, and restorative lawn care support for residential and commercial properties alike.
Brown Spots In Lawn How To Fix Davey Tree
Lawn Care Tips
Lawn Care In Early Spring
While lawns are mostly dormant during the cold months in Minnesota, they still need a little extra TLC once spring arrives.
Dutch Elm Disease Bark Davey Tree
Tree Disease
Preventing Dutch Elm Disease With Post-Winter Vigilance In Winona, MN
Maier Tree and Lawn encourages homeowners to stay vigilant for tree diseases, especially if you they own any variety of elm tree near Winona, MN. Dutch elm disease is one of several tree diseases that can devastate a population of trees quickly and efficiently.
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We pride ourselves at Maier Tree & Lawn on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists who live, work and engage in your community. Contact your local Maier specialist for your residential tree care and landscape needs.

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