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Maier Tree & Lawn Blog

For clients and friends of Maier Tree & Lawn—Check back regularly for the latest tree and lawn care content.

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Should I Wrap Tree In Burlap Evergreen In Winter Davey Tree
Tree Damage and Tree Removal
Prepping Your Winona, MN Trees For A Harsh Winter
Many native Minnesota trees can withstand an impressive amount of cold weather, but all it takes is a single wind or ice storm to strip away natural defenses and leave trees vulnerable.
Pest And Disease Center Eab Thumbnail 800X532
EAB Emerald Ash Borer
Emerald Ash Borers In Winona, MN
Emerald ash borers (EABs) continue to wreak havoc across Minnesota from early spring through fall.
How Do We Harm Trees
General Plant Health Questions
Plant Health In Rochester, MN
If you’re passionate about plant care and are trying to get into some good habits, checking out the leaves of your plants semi-regularly can help catch concerns before they sprout into something more severe.
Drought symptoms
Lawn Care Services
Lawn Care After A Heat Wave In Winona, MN
Minnesota lawns go through a lot throughout the year, and while we may not have the sustained dry heat of Arizona at our door, the highs and lows of Winona, MN, summer temperatures can still do a number on your grass.
Rochester Tree Service Maier Tree And Lawn
Tree Care
Professional Tree Care In Rochester, MN
Maier Tree and Lawn’s tree care professionals can help you evaluate and treat trees on your property. With the right application of care and expert knowledge, even damaged trees can recover
Lawn Maintenance
Weed Control For Winona, MN
A few weeds cropping up occasionally aren’t the end of the world as a lawn’s ecosystem is sturdier than many people realize. It's when weeds are left unattended and allowed to flourish that lawn health becomes a larger factor in weed control.
Best Time To Fertilize Evergreens
Tree Care and Tree Health
Tree Fertilization In Rochester, MN
Trees need nutrients too, and with the right combination of fertilizers, you can help new trees flourish and even support all the trees on your property.
General Plant Health Questions
Plant Care Complications
At Maier Tree and Lawn, our plant care experts provide in-depth plant healthcare support and guidance to first-time homeowners as well as to seasoned land managers and gardeners.
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We pride ourselves at Maier Tree & Lawn on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists who live, work and engage in your community. Contact your local Maier specialist for your residential tree care and landscape needs.

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