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Posted: June 18, 2015

Who doesn’t enjoy looking at a lush green lawn, especially if it’s yours? Here in the Rochester, Winona, and Southeast Minnesota area, we appreciate and value a nice, thick carpet of green. Maybe it’s because once spring and summer finally arrive, we’re all tired of looking at a six month blanket of snow! Whatever the reason, there’s something special about a nice thick, green, well-cared for lawn.

While driving around the area, if most people see a really great looking lawn, there are several thoughts that often come to mind:

To have a great looking lawn like that, they must be retired. How else could they spend the time to keep it looking like that?

  • That lawn must cost them a fortune to maintain.
  • I’ll bet they have an irrigation system.
  • Obviously they don’t have children or pets. If they did, their yard would be half dirt or brown patches.
  • They must have a green thumb.

The actual response to the above statements is, “Not necessarily.” In fact, by following a few guidelines, none of those statements have to be true to have a terrific looking lawn. The following tips can help you attain the lush, green lawn you desire:

  • Mow at higher height with a sharp blade, cutting off no more than one third the blades length. As discussed in a previous blog, how you mow makes a big difference in lawn health.
  • Mulch, don’t bag. This will not only save time, but the small grass clippings will return nitrogen to the soil.
  • Water less frequently for a longer time. Watering often for short periods of time, or watering by hand, is worse than not watering at all. Frequent light watering causes grass plants to have a shallow root system. This prevents the grass from being able to withstand hot, dry weather. Instead, water less often, perhaps only once a week or less, but for at least 30 minutes, to provide nearly 1 inch of water.
  • Time fertilization carefully. The most critical times for applying fertilizer is in early spring and in the fall. Fertilizing in the spring gives grass the boost it needs to promote growth and strong roots after grass has come out of its winter dormant state. Fall fertilizing feeds the roots even after grass has turned brown. If you are only able to fertilize twice, these are the times to do it.

You may not be able to have a lush lawn and be lazy, but it doesn’t require devoting every spare minute to caring for the grass. Summers in Southeast Minnesota are far too short to spend it slaving over your lawn. With some planning and basic lawn care practices, you can have the best of both worlds.

If you have any questions about the best practices to follow to care for your lawn, contact the lawn care professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn. Our specialists are trained in understanding how to care for your lawn.

For matters concerning your lawn, shrubberies, or trees, contact us at Maier Tree and Lawn at 507-286-8733 in Rochester, or 507-454-7000 in Winona.

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