There are few trees that offer the phenomenal beauty as a crabapple tree in full bloom. From dazzling whites to intense reds, a flowering crabapple is an unforgettable springtime sight to behold. For most folks, crabapple trees are an ornamental delight in the spring and then simply exist once the show is over. Some use the crabapples to make jams and jellies, but most consider the tiny fruit a nuisance that requires extra yard work and attention come fall.
Apple Scab is a disease that owners of these trees should be mindful of. This condition is caused by a fungus, Venturia inaequalis, which infects the leaves and fruit of a crabapple tree. Infected leaves will exhibit an olive green to brown spot on them and can turn yellow. After a leaf has turned yellow it generally falls from the tree. An infected tree can drop the majority of its' foliage, sometimes only a few months after the infection begins. In severe cases, a crabapple tree may lose every leaf prematurely.
Sanitation is crucial in helping prevent apple scab. Since the fungus exists on the leaves, proper disposal of leaves from an infected tree is very important. Another, more permanent solution is having the tree sprayed yearly with a fungicide to protect new leaves and fruit from the fungus.
Maier Tree & Lawn offers crabapple spray programs that generally begin in mid-April. If you have a crabapple that has shown signs of an apple scab infection you need to take action to ensure the infection does not ultimately kill the tree. Some untreated trees can survive a yearly onslaught of apple scab, but it severely weakens and stunts the growth and vitality of the tree. A tree which blossomed abundantly one year and then becomes infected may have fewer flowers the next year followed by an early drop of yellow leaves.
The arborists at Maier Tree & Lawn can determine the best treatment program to protect your tree. Our certified application specialists will spray your tree to provide the maximum protection affordable with the minimum of impact on the surrounding vegetation. It isn't just a matter of "Spray and walk away." Effective application is determined by factors including the size of the tree, what stage the tree is in for producing leaves, weather, and relative dryness or dampness.
If you have noticed in previous years that your crabapple tree has yellowing and spotted leaves that drop pre-maturely, call Maier Tree & Lawn now to schedule one of our arborists to come out and give you a quote for our preventative spray program. The only protection is by being proactive and spraying while the leaves are emerging. Once the leaves have yellowed, the tree is infected and there's nothing you can do until the next year. Contact Maier Tree & Lawn today so we can schedule an early spring treatment and help you keep the beauty of your flowering crabapple vibrant and thriving!
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