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Posted: September 05, 2021

For many Rochester, MN, homeowners with a bit of a green thumb, a wide-open yard can feel like a blank canvas for creative expression. While it’s easy to picture a beautiful design for your property, making it a reality tends to be a bit more complex. This is especially true if the lawn in question isn’t in peak condition. If you’re looking to do some major planting, the lawn care professionals at Maier Tree and Lawn can provide in-depth insight into your lawn’s ecosystem to help facilitate new growth and prevent unhealthy changes that may do more harm than good.

Creating your dream lawn is possible, but it helps if you’re starting with a healthy foundation. Planting, fertilizing, and treating a lawn willy-nilly without proper preparation can lead to lawn damage and plant death. Before you start to experiment with plants beyond the basics, it’s important to verify the strength and integrity of your “base layer.” Lawns with dead patches, excess weeds, and pest problems may not allow much to thrive, even if you’re just planting grass.

A good base layer for lawn care basically means that there’s an established environment well suited to growth and plant support. Your lawn’s ecosystem is a delicately balanced combination of factors that range from soil quality to water access and beyond. Throwing seeds without thought may yield some results, but careful planning and early care will almost always go much further.

Requesting an assessment from lawn care professionals is a great way to get started with your lawn design. Our lawn care experts can identify concerns with your lawn’s ecosystem and propose solutions that best suit your long-term goals. Some solutions may include fertilization, aeration, seeding rotations, and suggestions to supplement your regular lawn care routines. Once you’ve established a care plan, you can finalize a lawn program and design that will thrive on your property.

A weed-free, dense lawn is a great starting point for new growth, but making a lawn design that flourishes will likely require a bit more strategy. If you’re looking for lawn care insight or are interested in treatment or a lawn assessment, Maier Tree and Lawn can help. Rochester, MN, area residents can call at (507) 286–8733 or visit our website here for more information.

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