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Posted: March 01, 2017

Residents of Winona, MN, may not necessarily be living in a tropical wonderland teeming with palms and coconuts, but that doesn't mean that some fruiting boughs don't thrive in the chilly Midwest. Fruit trees may seem like a fruitless venture in a city that deals with such long winters, but the tree care experts with Maier Tree and Lawn know that with a little research, even the more barren parts of Minnesota can still bear fruit. You may not be able to grow bananas, but that doesn't mean all fruit trees are out of reach.

We may not have California oranges, but apples, pears, and plums are still viable options in Minnesota. In fact, many Minnesotans have likely participated in picking apples at a local orchard at least once or twice in their lives. Luckily, you don't really need a whole orchard in order to have healthy, happy fruit trees of your own, but you do need to have a yard suited to ample pollination and sunlight. Do a little fruit tree research before you decide what to plant. Apples trees are a great way to start, and many varieties of apple trees don't get too big to manage.

Once you've chosen your fruit tree, be sure to review the specific tree care for that species. It may seem as though all fruit trees are created equal, but in a state like Minnesota that has harsh weather for about half the year, choosing notoriously hardy species may be the best way to prevent long term disappointment. Fruit tree care is generally similar to other basic kinds of tree care in that water, sunlight, structure, and a little attentiveness should be all you really need to get started.

If you have any questions about the health of your fruit trees, or tree care in general, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 454-7000, or by visiting our website here for more information. Get growing today and prepare to share the bounty with your fruit-hungry Winona, MN, neighbors in the future!

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