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Lawn Mower
Lawn Care Services
When You Mow, Where Do The Clippings Go?
"What type of mower is best for my lawn; side discharge, mulching, or bagger?" Here are a few thoughts for you to consider when deciding what is best for your yard
Lawn Care Services
Is Your Mower Set To The Correct Cutting Height?
An appropriately set mower height reduces damage to grass plant crowns. This avoids damaging the grass which in turn prevents a thinning lawn.
Mowing Stock
Lawn Care Services
Is Your Lawn Mower Blade Sharp Or Dull?
Regardless of how sharp you keep your mower blade, every time you mow the turfgrass is put through a period of "shock" from the cutting.
Lawn Care Services
Help Your Lawn Survive the Salt Assault
Salt is a necessary evil when battling icy winter conditions, but an unwelcomed evil when we get into the grass growing season.
Soil Salinization
Lawn Care Services
Thinking Green During Winter's White
Maier Tree & Lawn employs a staff of licensed pesticide applicators, along with horticulturalists and foresters, all trained and prepared to help your urban ecosystem live in harmony and good health.
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