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Posted: August 25, 2017

The mighty Oak is a tree has a long history in Rochester, MN. Boasting a wide number of varieties, some types of Oak can grow up to 150 feet tall and can feature trunks wider than three feet. But as powerful as they appear, like all trees, oaks are tragically susceptible to disease. Two particular fungi tend to make themselves apparent in the late summer, and the tree experts at Maier Tree and Lawn want all tree enthusiasts to know what signs of trouble to look for in their towering leafy compatriots.

Some of the symptoms of bur oak blight can be confused with the more widely spread oak wilt. Their similar names are understandable when you look at the damage they cause side by side. Leaf death, wilting, browning, and purple lesions are all symptoms that both fungi cause, but the damage that oak wilt causes goes even further. Oak wilt can cause leaf death from the top of the tree downward at impressive rates. It also causes discoloration under the bark as it infests the tree.

Oak wilt is highly contagious and has been spreading since the 1940s. Without quick treatment, it can be fatal to trees. Certain measures can be taken to prevent the spread such as limiting firewood transportation and trunk injection treatments. Preventative measures are important as Oak wilt also has the ability to infect every type of oak, which is what sets it apart from Bur Oak Blight more than any other characteristic. As its name indicates, Bur Oak Blight only appears on Bur Oaks. This is good news for some tree owners who may be working with other varieties, but for Bur owners the blight has appeared with a vengeance in late summer and early fall for the last several years.

If you have spotted any signs of Oak Wilt or Bur Oak Blight in your Rochester, MN, trees, contact Maier Tree and Lawn at (507) 286-8733 or by visiting our website here for information on the proper steps to take. For a tree too far gone, removal may be the only option, but determining the proper containment methods and treatment can prevent other trees from suffering the same fate.

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